Luca blight duel
Luca blight duel

luca blight duel

The quote is not present in the Japanese version of the game. This quote was also reused in Suikoden V by Childerich, during the events in Doraat, when he kills some of the villagers here.Luca's most infamous quote, "Die, Pigs!", comes from the Konami game Lethal Enforcers, where it was used as an enemy taunt in the Japanese version of the game (this quote was removed in the European and US versions).Unlike traditional princes in the Suikoden franchise, who care for their kingdom and citizens, or fight for a just cause, Luca is the complete opposite and he is only interested in destruction.The collaborative efforts of Leon Silverberg, Shu and Jowy bring about his downfall at the hands of the New State Army. He rapidly attacks and conquers the city-states of Jowston and successfully conspires with Jowy Atreides to assassinate Agares. With his newfound power, Luca instigates another war with Jowston and uses the Beast Rune, beginning a plot that involves massacring the entire Unicorn Youth Brigade and blaming the incident on Jowston. Luca gains military control over the Highland Army when Agares steps down to take responsibility for the ceasefire signed with Jowston. Jowy then volunteers to serve as a spy to gain Luca's trust. He shows his dislike for his younger-half sister, Jillia, when he has a personal conversation with Jowy Atreides, where he interrogates him. 1, Luca maintains his murderous and megalomaniacal personality during Jowy's scenario in Chapter 2. Oddly enough, he seemed to be at peace with his death during his final moments, as he reacted with ecstasy with how the rumbling in his body and the flesh-scorching thirst had disappeared. He seems to be aware to a degree of his truly depraved and vile nature, as when dying, he openly brags about being the true face of evil. He is unaware of her plans of having him killed, along with her own father. He has a close attachment to his younger half-sister, Jillia, due to her resemblance to his mother, Sara. He is also shown to be selfish and treacherous, such as when he betrayed his own father, Agares Blight, during his assassination with Jowy by poison as part of his revenge for leaving him and his mother in fear during the attack in Jowston, and also in the aforementioned incident with the woman in Ryube, as he implied he'd spare her only if she behaved like a pig. He is quenching his bloodlust, as seen when he fatally kills the scared woman, after letting her act as a pig when he burned the village in Ryube. In this regard, Luca can be described as a "berserker" type of character. He is tyrannical to the Highland Kingdom by gaining control over the military power of the Highland Army. Every one of his killings is always followed by a purely evil laugh. Luca appears as a cruel and sadistic psychopath with utterly no redeeming or even tragic qualities. 1, Luca's hair is depicted as black like from his in-game and his game dubbing icon.

luca blight duel

His weapon of choice is a sword, that he has used to kill countless people. He also has a blue cape within his armor.


He wears a full clad of white armor in a gold trim with a black long sleeve v-neck shirt beneath it, black pants and white thigh high boots in a gold trim. Luca has shoulder length dark brown hair (black in his in-game and game dubbing icon) and dark devilish eyes with always a cruel and wicked smile on his face. He would later discover the ruffians were hired by Muse, and has since developed a profound hatred to the Jowston Alliance and his father, Agares, the incompetent King of Highland. Luca's father fled in fear, leaving Luca and his mother to their mercy Sara was raped repeatedly, while Luca was forced to witness the ordeal. Luca was traveling with his mother, Sara, and father, Agares, when they were attacked by a group of ruffians. Known for his unmatched cruelty and bloodlust, Luca is referred to as the "Mad Prince" the source of his anger resulted from an attack on the Highland royalty's entourage by ruffians.

Luca blight duel